Sunday, April 1, 2018

Reinventing Freemasonry

It seems like we spend an inordinate amount of time “reinventing Freemasonry.” I do not mean that we are changing the Ancient Landmarks or the Ritual, I am referring to the endless programs that we have launched over the years to do everything from improving Lodge meetings and panning to Lodge Renewal and membership retention.

As I developed curriculum for the Masonic Leadership Conference I found so many resources from the past that matched what we need today it was amazing. I discovered a program on Membership Management in the old Masonic Lodge building that was excellent and I have used portions of it for the conference materials. This material would have been discarded if I did not rescue it.

I have read Builder Magazine articles from the 1800s and early 1900s where they discussed some of the same issues that we talk about regarding our Lodges today.

My point is, let’s stick with the basics and try doing Freemasonry. It works every time it is tried.

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