Sunday, April 1, 2018

History was made in Augusta

Saturday, December 12, 2015 was a historic day in Freemasonry in Augusta, GA. A combined open Installation was held to install the Officers of Martinez Lodge #710 and Clarence H. Cohen Daylight Lodge #749. The Officers of both Lodges were installed simultaneously by Worshipful Brother C. Wayne Barnes, DDGM District 1A. Why was this done? Brother Jarrod Coffey had been elected Worshipful Master of Martinez Lodge #710 and Worshipful Brother Brian Coffey had been elected Worshipful Master of Clarence H. Cohen Daylight Lodge #749. What was historic about this? These Brothers are Father and Son. To add to the family connection, WB Barnes is WB B. Coffey’s Father-in-Law and WB J. Coffey’s Grandfather.

Worshipful Brother Jarrod Coffey was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in 2006. After some time on the sidelines learning the Craft, he began his journey through the chairs in Martinez Lodge, culminating in his election as Worshipful Master for 2016. WB J. Coffey has served on numerous committees within the lodge and was an Instructor at the 2015 Masonic Leadership Conference. He also attended the inaugural Masonic Leadership Conference held in 2014 and has used the lessons learned there to help his lodge prosper; winning the 2015 Lodge of the Year for the 10th Masonic District. WB J. Coffey served as the Charter Secretary of Research Lodge #6 at Augusta and is the Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of Clarence H. Cohen Chapter 162, National Sojourners, Inc. He is a life member of the Scottish Rite and a member of the Knights of St. Andrew in the Valley of Augusta.

Worshipful Brother Brian Coffey was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in 1983, serving as Worshipful Master of Hinesville Lodge #271 in 2001. WB B. Coffey serves on the Educational and Historical Commission of the Grand Lodge and is the Grand Lodge Masonic Education and Leadership Development Director for District 10C; he helped develop and present the Masonic Leadership Conferences in 2014 and 2015. He is a 32° Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in the Scottish Rite and is a Life Member of the Valleys of Savannah and Augusta. WB B. Coffey is Past President of Clarence H. Cohen Chapter 162, National Sojourners, Inc. and is a Region Representative for three chapters in Georgia. He served as the Inaugural Master of Lodge of Research Lodge #6 at Augusta and the Master of Research Lodge #1 of Savannah at the same time during 2014. He is currently the Junior Warden of the 10th Masonic District.

The Installing Officer, Worshipful Brother C. Wayne Barnes is the District Deputy to the Grand Master for District 1A, Past Master of Coastal Daylight Lodge #750; a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Savannah; Past Venerable Master. The Mid-Atlantic Area Representative for the National Sojourners, Inc. and has been awarded two of the highest awards of that organization. He is active in the Alee Temple of the Shrine and has held many positions in the Shrine.

The Installing Marshall, WB Art Dickerson is the District Deputy to the Grand Master for District 1C; Past Master of Martinez Lodge #710 and Lincolnton Lodge #354. He is currently the Master of the Tenth Masonic District Convention.

The Installing Chaplain, WB Otis Gould is a three-time Past Master of Martinez Lodge #710 and was instrumental in all aspects of building the wonderful new Masonic Lodge.

Martinez Lodge, Martinez Chapter #464 of the Order of the Eastern Star and Clarence H. Cohen D/L Lodge held their annual St. John celebration/Christmas Party with a visit from Santa Claus for the children.  Following a delicious dinner prepared by the Martinez Chapter #464 of the Order of the Eastern Star and the holiday celebration, A very unique Open Installation was conducted with family and friends present.

Both Brothers Coffey were presented to Holy Altar and, together, took their obligations as Worshipful Master of their respective Lodges. Following the obligations, the sitting and Past Masters retired to the preparation room where the Past Master Degree was conferred on WM J. Coffey. The newly installed Worshipful Masters were then presented to the East and given Public Grand Honors. The officers of both Martinez Lodge and Clarence H. Cohen Lodge were installed in ample form. Many family members were present and were allowed to place the Jewel of their Office on their Mason.

WB Steven Fishman then presented WM J. Coffey and WM B. Coffey with Lewis Jewels. A Lewis Jewel is worn by a Mason that is the son of a Mason. It shows the lineage of the Brother and his father and grandfathers as far back as the Masonic Lineage can be traced. In WB J. Coffey’s case it shows his Initiation date, that of his Father, WM B. Coffey, his Maternal Grandfather, WB C. Wayne Barnes his and  paternal Grandfather, WB Bob Coffey.

WM B. Coffey made remarks thanking all in attendance, especially his wife, Wendy and his Father–in-Law WB Barnes and how wonderful it was to share this evening with his son, WM J. Coffey. WM J. Coffey made similar remarks and described some of his plans for Martinez Lodge for the year including more family activities throughout the year. The historic evening of Freemasonry in Georgia concluded with peace and harmony prevailing.

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